Keyword Analysis
We will prepare a keyword analysis for your project, website, or e-shop so you can build your PPC and SEO activity on search queries that will bring you more customers and revenue. Find with us the keywords that will help you succeed on the Internet among fierce competition.
Why choose SEO Consult?
- We advise you which words are truly profitable.
- Once the analysis has been completed, you will get a free month of consultation.
- When ordering an analysis, you get a discount on other SEO services.
- We guarantee satisfaction, otherwise we will return your money.
How it works?
- Keyword analysis will choose the most appropriate keywords for your search, competition, and profitability.
- It compares your strategy against your close competition on the Internet.
- It serves as a resource to optimize the site and its content.
- It saves both time and money versus trial / error.
The main goal of keyword analysis is to find the most profitable and top-performing keywords and those which are not highly competitive.
We do the analysis separately for Seznam and Google search engines, because each has a different target group looking for another type of service and product.
Keyword analysis should be the second step after the initial SEO audit, or should occur simultaneously.
For an accurate price calculation, use a non-binding request or call 775 646 333.
Co o nás říkají klienti?
SEO consult is a reliable partner :) for many years.
Děkujeme Vám za příkladnou spolupráci, bezvadnou komunikaci a reálně dosažené výsledky, které předčily naše očekávání.
Na službách SEO consult kladně hodnotíme schopnost bleskurychle přizpůsobovat řešení našim požadavkům a jejich rozumné ceny.
Se SEO službami, které jste pro nás vytvořili jsme byli velice spokojeni. Určitě si opět objednáme.